Jane Goodall

  • 网络珍·古道尔;珍古德;珍妮·古道尔;简·古多尔;珍·古德
Jane GoodallJane Goodall
  1. To give students conception of environment and protective creature by the story about Jane Goodall .


  2. It also offers sponsorship packages for corporations to contribute to founder Jane Goodall 's annual tour of China .


  3. Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall to one 's success .


  4. Mark : Right , like Jane Goodall , who you interviewed on the radio .


  5. Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to university ?


  6. Just like Jane Goodall said ," When you was in the virgin forest , time like be frozen * "


  7. Jane Goodall is world-famous for her study of chimpanzees .


  8. The program was started by16 Tanzanian students in1991 under the support of Jane Goodall Institute .


  9. For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals .


  10. Despite these many barriers , the Jane Goodall Institute has found avenues for corporate engagement that are meaningful to both sides .


  11. The main focus of the Jane Goodall Institute China is the Roots & Shoots Program currently with offices in Beijing , Shanghai and Chengdu .


  12. The Jane Goodall Institute is fighting very hard for legislation that will prohibit people from owning other primates as pets .


  13. Animal expert Jane Goodall made the chimpanzee populations in this area famous . She spent many years studying the behavior of these endangered animals . A guide can take you deep into the forest .


  14. Jane Goodall : " The most important thing we can do to try to get out of the mess we 've made on this planet is to spend time thinking about the consequences of the choices we make . "


  15. Track One When I was in high school I wanted to work with Zoology or Primatology I was fascinated with ' human-animal " communication Which was starting to be talked about in the ' 70 " s when I was a child Scientists like Jane Goodall , for example ,


  16. We didn 't have a hookup culture . We had a dating culture . And even that was a culture I was on the periphery of , much like Jane Goodall watching chimpanzees through binoculars hopeful that the chimps would invite her over but more terrified that they would rip her face off .
